What Is Causing My Headaches?

Do you suffer from routine headaches? Patients who have headaches experience significant discomfort that can affect daily life. Some patients may have difficulty completing everyday tasks. For patients who suffer from TMD, or temporomandibular disorder, it can be difficult to determine if your headaches are being caused by TMD or another outside factor. Read on to learn more about the difference between a TMD headache and other types of headaches.

Chronic Headaches

What makes your head hurt? There are many causes for headaches, and it’s important to understand what they are in order to treat patients properly. One type of headache we often see in our patients is of vascular origin. There are nerve endings around the blood vessels that cushion and protect the brain from injury. When the blood vessels swell, they push against the brain causing a vascular headache. A migraine would be one example of this, where the nerve endings are hyper sensitized by a stimulus such as jaw joint inflammation or inflammation of the nose and sinuses.