Man snoring

Is Snoring Affecting Your Health?

Do you or a loved one snore? People who snore often are unaware until a family member complains about the noise they hear every night. Snoring is caused when air flows past tissues in your throat that vibrate. Almost everyone snores at some point, especially if they are congested or have a common cold. The problem is when snoring is something that happens repeatedly every time you sleep. Snoring is one of the common symptoms associated with sleep apnea. You may be surprised to learn that snoring can lead to serious complications with your overall health. When you pair snoring with sleep apnea, it can be detrimental to your health if left untreated.

Why Support is Key to Sleep Apnea Treatment

Dealing with sleep apnea can be extremely frustrating and can affect more than just the patient. It’s easy to forget that many sleep apnea patients have partners, loved ones, and family members who are also concerned and want to see the one they love get the help they need. At times, sleep apnea patients need to make certain lifestyle changes to get the lasting results that they desperately need for their health. We have some suggestions for not only the patient, but also their loved ones, to help them on their way to ultimate health. Continue reading to learn more and, if you suffer from sleep apnea, be sure to share this with your loved ones.

The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep

On occasion, you might not sleep well due to stress, illness, or eating or drinking too much before bedtime. Hopefully, this only lasts one or two nights before you’re back to your normal, quality sleep. Those who suffer from poor sleep consistently or have a true sleeping disorder, however, aren’t able to achieve quality rest for a long period of time. They go through their days with low energy, feeling constantly tired and this can affect their overall mood, health and relationships.